Welcome to Bow Wow Wow Designs!
Our products are handcrafted and are available in several finishes. We are a
family owned and operated business for the last 18 years, located in Gerogetown, Arkansas
We know how hard it is to find a great quality elevated dog feeder at our local pet stores.
Our products are of the highest quality!
There are numerous other benefits from eatting up on a elevated dog bowl. Most people know this but had
to put this in here, just in case!
The fact is, eating and drinking from bowls placed at an appropriate height will aid any size dog with
digestion. Raised bowls help minimize the amount of air dogs swallow while gulping and chewing food. They also help prevent vomiting and choking while reducing the likelihood your dog will suffer
from stomach bloat.
Not having to lean, bend, or stretch for food and water contributes to good posture and puts less strain
on your dog's neck, joints and hips. Insects, rodents, dust and dirt are also less likely to reach food and water raised off the floor or ground.
Recommended by Veterinarians!
Helps reduce intestinal gas in dogs!
Less stress on the forearm and wrist area!
Better digestion - food moves from mouth to stomach quicker and easier!